Managing Indexes

Oracle Argus Analytics is delivered with a set of indexes. If you wish, you can create additional indexes to meet your query requirements.


Oracle recommends that you Drop and re-create all indexes only for full load. This should be disabled for incremental load.

It is useful to drop all indexes on the data mart tables before loading large volumes of data, and to recreate them afterward. ODI can automate this process for you.

To drop indexes per table, use the procedure call opvautilcommon.p_Drop_Indexes( pTableName in varchar2).

To create indexes per table, use the procedure call opvautilcommon.p_Create_Indexes( pTableName in varchar2).


The P_DROP_INDEXES procedure stores the index metadata information in the table W_PVA_INDEX_S OR PVA_INDEX_S. This information is later used by the procedure P_CREATE_INDEXES to re-create the dropped indexes on the given table.