
A substitution occurs if you have a preferred alternative source of data for a column that Oracle Argus Analytics populates from Oracle Argus Safety. For example, you may want to load the W_RXI_STUDY_D.STUDY_SPONSOR other than what Oracle Argus Analytics is loading. You will have to perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a table at database containing the locally-sourced values of the column, and also add whatever keys are needed to join to the Oracle-supplied view.
  2. Create a program that joins the two tables and creates a new table, in which the locally-sourced values replace the Oracle-supplied values for the column of interest. Call this the Substitution Table.
  3. Modify the SDE to read from the Substitution Table, rather than the Oracle-supplied table or view.

If you make changes to a source table, you must propagate that change forward as far as necessary. Some of the scenarios and the related necessary adjustments are described in the Table 4-1:

Table 5-1 Scenarios Requiring Necessary Adjustments

Scenario Adjustments Required

New table has the same layout as the old table, but is passed through from a different source

Change the SDE that reads the old table to instead read the new table.

Modified table has modified layout

  1. Modify the SDE to read the modified layout.
  2. Modify the staging table populated by the SDE to include the modified layout.
  3. Modify the SIL to read the modified layout.
  4. Modify the target table to include the modified layout.
  5. Modify the RPD to accept the changed data mart table.

New table

  1. Add a staging table to accept the new input.
  2. Add an SDE to read from the new table and write to the staging table.
  3. Add a data mart table to make the new data available to the BI Server.
  4. Add an SIL to populate the new data mart table from the new staging table.
  5. Modify the RPD to accept the new data mart table.