Tracking Data

The origin of any data displayed in a report must be traceable to its source, and all transformations applied to the data must be accessible. Data sourced from Oracle Argus Safety is traced by the following criteria and rules:

  • Load: When the data was loaded from the source database into the staging tables.
  • Staging Mapping: The version of ETL mapping used to transform the data from source to staging table, and when it was executed.
  • Target Mapping: The version of ETL mapping used to transform the data from the staging table to target tables, and when it was executed.
  • Transformations and calculations performed on the data within the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Repository can be versioned and saved permanently in a third-party versioning tool.
  • Calculations can also be performed in reports managed through Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Analytics. The Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Analytics Administrator is responsible for controlling what calculations are performed, and who can perform them.