Check External Links Vulnerable to the Account Data

In Oracle Argus Analytics, you can add customized links to the Home page, Dashboards, Report pages, and the Help icons. Any information that can be made available through a URL can be made accessible to Oracle Argus Analytics Onsite users.

In addition, your customized links support passing session parameters, such as login user ID and user role, to a URL. By passing these session parameters, you can create target Web pages that switch the content according to the user login ID, user role, study, and site. You can create links that access websites relevant to your business.

However, be aware that in some situations, such as links that access external websites, passing account data and session information may pose a security risk. In these cases, you can define the link to pass no session parameters to the URL.

Besides this, the parameters that are passed as part of the URL links should not be trusted by the URLs receiving them. They should be securely coded, including by verifying their identity.