About the Templates Tab

The Oracle Argus Dossier Templates tab enables you to access report templates used to generate periodic reports (CTPR, ICH PSUR, IND, NDA). The following is an illustration of the Templates tab.
Templates tab

The following table lists and describes the fields and controls on this tab.

Field/Control Description


Enables you to add, modify, delete, assign and arrange the sections in your templates.


Click Add to add a new section to the report template.


Click Delete to delete a section of a template.


Click Assign to choose who can access a template.


Click Up to move the template section up one level.


Click Down to move the template section down a level.


Click Print to print the report configuration.


This column contains the template number. This number changes as you move or change the order of the templates.


This column contains the name of the template.


This column contains a description of the section.

Attachment File Name

This column contains the name of the template file.


Click Modify to change a template document.


Click Attach to attach a new template document. Once the document is attached, this changes to Modify.


This section enables you to attach header/footer information to the template.

Include Header/Footer

Click this checkbox if you want to include header/footer information from a specific Word document in your template.

Portrait Template

Enables you to use header/footer information from a document in portrait orientation in your template

Landscape Template

Enables you to use header/footer information from a document in landscape orientation in your template.


Enables you to attach a Microsoft Word document to a template.

Include Page Numbering

Enables you to specify whether or not you want page numbering in the template and the location of the page numbers.

Header Left

Click this option to place the page number on the left side of the header.

Header Center

Click this option to place the page number in the center of the header.

Header Right

Click this option to place the page number on the right of the header.

Footer Left

Click this option to place the page number on the left side of the footer.

Footer Center

Click this option to place the page number in the center of the footer.

Footer Right

Click this option to place the page number on the right of the footer.


Click OK update the template page.


Click Cancel to exit from the template page without saving.

To access the template tab:

  1. Select Reports > Periodic Reports > <Report Type>.
    Periodic Reports drop-down menu
  2. When the system opens the page for the report type you selected:
    1. Locate the report and click the row to highlight it.
    2. Perform one of the following:
    • Click Modify.
    • Click New Report.
    Clinical Trial Periodic Reports screen
  3. When the application opens the report dialog box, click the Templates tab.
The system opens the Templates tab.