Usage Considerations

When using the Comments and History dialog box, be aware of the following:

  • When you click OK, the system records any comments you entered and places them in the Template History.
  • The Template History section retains a history of the following actions that have occurred for each template row:
    • Template Authoring Marked as Final
    • Template Marked Ready for Review
    • Template Checked Out
    • Template Checked In
    • Template Marked Ready for Build
  • The template history box is not editable.
  • The format of this history is as follows:
    • Row A-Left "Action: <action from the above listed items>"

      If no action occurs, do not print any text.

    • Row B-Left "Comments: <any comments entered>"

      If no comments exist for the action, do not print any text.

      Comments should display up to 255 characters (which is the limit on the comments box) and should wrap if needed.

    • Row 1-Right "<username>" aligned right

      Always print row 1-Right.

    • Row 2-Right Time date stamp "dd-mmm-yyyy HH:mm" aligned right.

      Always print row 2-Right.

      TimeDate Stamp shows the local time.

    • The Template History displays the history in descending order. (i.e., most recent record on top).
    • Template history records are separated by a line (¼ point).
    • You can enter comments without any action being completed. In this case only the comment will be recorded.