Add a Case to a Case Series

If required, you can modify the case series by adding cases manually.

To add a case to the case series:

  1. Navigate to the ACTIVE CASE SERIES page.
  2. Click the Add Case icon insert case series on the left bar.

    The Add Case to Case Series dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the case number to add to the case series manually.
  4. To select the reason to modify the case series, click the Justification field.

    Alternatively, you may type your own justification text to explain why you are modifying the case series.

    In addition, you may define the choices that Oracle Argus Safety lists for the Justification field by using the Case Series Modification Justification option in the List Maintenance tab on the ADMINISTRATION TOOLS page.

  5. Click OK.
    • If the case number you specified exists in the data mart, the system adds the case to the case series and saves the changes. A message dialog box reports that the case number was successfully inserted.
    • If the case number you specified does not exist in the data mart, the system displays an error message.
  6. Click OK to close the message dialog box.