Save and Provide Point-in-Time Query Date

  1. On the ACTIVE ADVANCED CONDITIONS EDITOR page, from the Category drop-down list, select a category.
  2. In the Description field, enter a description of the advanced condition.

    For example, you may describe the type of cases the advanced condition retrieves.

  3. In the Query Type field:
    1. To execute the query based on current data, select Current Date.

      The As of Date field is disabled.

    2. To execute the query based on historical data, select As of Date.
    3. To execute the query based on one or more user lock actions, select At Lock.
    4. To view the most recent locked revisions that were committed to the database on or before As of Date, select Last Locked Revision as of a Point in Time.

      For steps 3b and 3d, the As of Date field is enabled.

      In the As of Date field, enter the date based on which advanced condition will be executed.


      As of Date field contains date-time, populated with ETL high water mark as the default value for all query types.

      As of Date cannot be greater than ETL high watermark or less than ETL low watermark.

    5. To view the most recent locked revision for case versions in a time period, select Last Locked Revision for a Version in a Period.

      The Last Locked Revision for a Version In a Period dialog box appears.

      1. To execte the query based on the receipt date, select Case Receipt Date (default), andenter dates in the From and To fields. Click Save.
      2. To execute the query based on the lock date, select Case Lock Date, and enter dates in the From and To fields. Click Save.
      3. To execute the query based on the creation date, select Case Creation Date, and enter dates in the From and To fields. Click Save.
    6. To view the most recent locked revision for case version for a specific time period, select Aggregate Queries.
      The Aggregate Queries dialog box appears.
      1. Enter the date range for the Case Receipt Date in From and To fields, and click Save.

        Based on the selected date range, only the last locked revision of a case for the version falling in that period based on initial/follow-up receipt date are displated. Post lock revisions are also displayed.

      2. To view the latest unlocked revision of the cases, select Include Unlocked Case.
  4. Click Save.

    The Advanced Condition - Save dialog box appears.

  5. In the Name field, enter the name of the advanced condition.
  6. Click OK to save the advanced condition and refresh the ACTIVE ADVANCED CONDITIONS EDITOR page.
    Note that:
    • The Active Query Name field in the upper-right corner of the page now displays the name of the advanced condition you specified while saving the advanced condition.
    • The Save As, View SQL, and Permissions buttons are now enabled.


    The ADVANCED CONDITION LIBRARY page lists all the advanced conditions saved to the system. See Work with Saved Advanced Conditions for more information.


    If the field values are modified after saving the advanced condition to the system, click Save to save the changed field values.

  7. Click View SQL to view the underlying SQL query for the advanced condition.
    Note that the creation of advanced conditions custom SQL on Oracle Argus Mart requires the use of CASE_MASTER table instead of V_RTP_CASE, and additional EFFECTIVE_START_DATE in the query.
    1. Modify the SQL, if necessary.
    2. Click Save SQL after editing the query.


      When using the Save SQL functionality, the advanced condition can be executed only from the ADVANCED CONDITIONS LIBRARY page.


      Revert to Original lets you review back to the original advanced condition. This button is enabled only when you edit the SQL.

    3. Click Close.
  8. To assign group-level permissions on the saved advanced condition, click Permissions.
    The Permissions dialog box appears with the names of all the groups (except the Administrator group) that the system administrator has created
  9. To assign permissions to the group members on the advanced condition you have created, use the drop-down list next to a group name. The available options are:
    Permissions Description


    Group members will be able to view, modify, delete, and assign permission on the advanced condition.


    Group members will be able to view, modify, and delete the advanced condition.


    Group members will be able to view and modify the advanced condition.


    Group members will be able to only view the advanced condition.

    No Access (Default)

    No group members will be able to access the advanced condition.


    The author of the advanced condition always has the highest level of permission (R/W/D/P) on it. For example, suppose you belong to the Data Entry group and you assign the No Access permission level to the Data Entry group on an advanced condition that you create. In this case, you will continue to have the highest level of permission on you advanced condition; other members in you group cannot access your advanced condition.

  10. Click OK to save the permission settings.
  11. Click Execute to generate the case series.
    • The ACTIVE CASE SERIES page appears with the matching cases from the data mart.
    • If any runtime parameters are configured, the Parameters dialog box appears.

      SPecify the parameter values by using the options in the dialog box, and click Execute.

      The ACTIVE CASE SERIES page appears with the matching cases from the data mart.


    The case series generated using Oracle Argus Mart data source also displays EFFECTIVE_START_DATE/LOCKED_DATE in the Case Series Editor page.

    See Work with Case Series for more information.