Oracle Argus Insight Catalog

The following components are available as part of the Oracle Argus Insight Catalog:

  • Aggregate Analysis - Sample Dashboard — Provides Dashboard and Page Level prompts, and displays data on Sample Report based on these prompts.
  • Dashboard Prompt — Enables selection of the Enterprise ID.
  • Page Prompts — Comprises three-level page prompts: Aggregate Configuration Name, Report Form Name and Report Type.
  • Sample Line Listing — Generates as Sample Line Listing Report comprising the following dimensions:
    • Case Number
    • Product Name
    • Event Reported
    • Event Seriousness
    • Event Listedness
    • As Reported Causality
  • Sample Report — Generates as Sample Report comprising the following dimensions:
    • Initial Receipt Year
    • Product Name
    • Event Reported
    • Event Seriousness
    • Case Count