Configure Case Series Un-freezing Justification

When you unfreeze a case series, Oracle Argus Insight prompts for a justification, or reason, for this action. In the Justification field, you can either type your own reason or select a reason from the list.

Oracle Argus Insight does not provide a default list of justifications. However, you can create a set of standard and relevant reasons for Oracle Argus Insight to display in the Justification field. Once you create the list of reasons, users can select one of your defined justifications whenever they unfreeze a case series. In addition, users always have the option to type their own justification.

Justifications are important for maintaining the history of a case series.

To create the list of justifications for unfreezing a case series:

  1. Click Tools on the global toolbar.

    The ADMINISTRATION TOOLS page appears.

  2. Click the List Maintenance tab.
  3. From the List Maintenance Items section, select Case Series Un-Freezing Justification.

    The Attributes list is updated with the existing configured justification text, if any.

  4. Click Add.
  5. Enter the justification text, and click OK to save the justification.
  6. To edit an existing justification, select the justification from the Attributes list, and click Modify.
  7. To delete an existing justification, select the justification from the Attributes list, and click Delete.