Copy Configuration Utility

Use the Copy Configuration utility to import all the configuration data from the following Oracle Argus Insight versions and then export the data to Oracle Argus Insight 8.2:

  • Oracle Argus Insight 8.2 (single-tenant to single-tenant installation).
  • Oracle Argus Insight 8.2 (multi-tenant to multi-tenant installation). In this case, the utility copies all the enterprise data from one multi-tenant enterprise to another multi-tenant enterprise in Oracle Argus Insight, including the enterprises that are marked as Inactive.

The Copy Configuration utility:

  • Maps the source enterprises to the target enterprises based on the short name of the enterprise.
  • Copies the user-specific configuration data only for those users in an enterprise who exist in Oracle Argus Safety as well for that enterprise.
  • Does not include the configuration of those enterprises that do not exist in the target system.
  • Does not overwrite the configuration of any additional enterprises that exist in target system.