Data Integrity Checks Before ETL

Oracle Argus Safety must complete the following data integrity checks before performing the ETL:

  • Every case must have at least one suspect product.
  • Every case must have at least one event where the DESC_REPTD column is not null.
  • Every case must have one and only one primary event.
  • Every case must have a State record (CASE_MASTER.STATE_ID).
  • Every case must have a Report Type record (CASE_MASTER.RPT_TYPE_ID).
  • Every case must have a Country of Incidence record (CASE_MASTER.COUNTRY_ID).
  • Every case must have a Study record (CASE_STUDY).
  • Every case must have an Assessment record (CASE_ASSESS).
  • Every product in CASE_PRODUCT must have a record in CASE_PROD_DRUGS.
  • If there are reporters on the case, there must be only one primary reporter