Enter Dates in Oracle Argus Insight Date Fields

Several fields in Oracle Argus Insight are date fields. Some date fields require a full date; other date fields accept a partial date.

Enter a Full Date:

For fields that require a full date, you must enter the date in the following format:



  • dd = Day of the month.
  • mmm = 3-letter abbreviation for the month, like FEB or AUG.

    You may alos enter a valid month number. In this case, the system converts the number to the 3-letter abbreviation for the corresponding month. For example, the system converts 12 to DEC.

  • yyyy = 4-digit year, like 1998 or 2012.
Enter Today's Date

To enter today's date in a date field, press the = (equals) key.

Enter a Partial Date

For fields that accept a partial date, Oracle Argus Insight displays ??-???-0000 in the field.

For reporting purposes, missing days of the month are approximated to the 15th of the month and missing months are approximated to the month of June.

Valid partial dates must comprise either a year, or a year and a month. If you enter the day, you also need to enter the month.

To enter a date that includes only the month and year (like, March 2012), you may enter any one of the following sequences:

  • /MAR2012
  • /32012
  • /312
  • 00MAR2012
  • 0032012
  • 00312
  • ??MAR2012
  • ??32012
  • ??312

To enter a date that includes only the year (like, 2012), you may enter any one of the following sequences:

  • //2012
  • //12
  • 00002012
  • 000012
  • ?? ???2012
  • ?? ???12
  • ??2012
  • ??12

The following table lists the fields in the tabs on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page, which is similar to the Oracle Argus Safety case form, that accept partial dates.

Table 2-1 QBE Fields that Accept a Partial Date

QBE Tab Section Name Field Name


General Information

Study Information

Initial Receipt Date, Central Receipt Date, Follow-up Received, Safety Received, Aware Date

Unblinding Date

Patient, Patient

Patient Details

Date of Birth, Date of LMP

Patient, Patient

Lab Data


Patient, Patient

Other Relevant History

Start, Stop Date

Patient, Parent

Parent Information

Date of Birth, Date of LMP

Patient, Parent

Other Relevant History

Start, Stop Date


Dosage Regimens

Start Date/Time, Stop Date/Time, Expiration Date


Product Details

First Dose, Last Dose, Date, Start Date/Time, Stop Date/Time


Event Information

Onset Date/Time, Receipt Date, Stop Date/Time


Contact Log

Date, Date Start


Action Items

Date Open, Due, Completed


Case Lock/Archive

Lock Date, Closure Date