About Filters

Oracle Argus Insight provides predefined filters. Each predefined filter comprises of a set of specific data mart fields called filter elements. The "Oracle Argus Insight Predefined Filters and Elements" Table lists the five predefined filters and the elements associated with them.


The field labels for each filter are displayed as per the field labels configured in Oracle Argus Safety.

Table 4-1 Oracle Argus Insight Predefined Filters and Elements

Predefined Filter Available Filter Elements (Fields)


  • Advanced Conditions
  • Case Followup Receipt Date
  • Case Initial Receipt Date
  • Case Report Type
  • Country of Incidence
  • Event Listedness/Lic Country
  • Family Name
  • Owned by Site
  • Product
  • Project/Study/Center
  • Related to Study Conduct? (As Reported)
  • Report Agency
  • Report Form
  • Reporting Group
  • Report Submission Date


  • Advanced Conditions
  • Country of Incidence
  • Product
  • Project/Study/Center


  • Advanced Conditions
  • Case Delayed/Open
  • Case Followup Receipt Date
  • Case Initial Receipt Date
  • Case Report Type
  • Case Seriousness
  • Case Statues
  • Country of Incidence
  • Has Followup
  • Owned by Site
  • Product
  • Reports Pending
  • Workflow Group


  • Advanced Conditions
  • ATC Code
  • BMI
  • Case Abbreviated Narrative
  • Case Comment
  • Case Followup Receipt Date
  • Case Initial Receipt Date
  • Case Narrative
  • Case Outcome
  • Case Seriousness
  • Company Comment
  • Country of Incidence
  • Dosage Regimen Route of Administration
  • Dose
  • Drug Duration of Administration
  • Evaluation in Light of Similar Events
  • Event Diagnosis Flag
  • Event Seriousness
  • Event Term
  • Local Evaluator Commnet
  • Onset Latency (minutes)
  • Outcome of Event
  • Patient Age (In Years)
  • Patient Age Group
  • Patient Ethnicity
  • Patient Gender/Pregnancy
  • Patient Relevant Tests
  • Product
  • Product Type
  • Project/Study/Center
  • Rechallenge/Dechallenge
  • Relevant History Condition
  • Reporter Type/HCP
  • Study Blinding Status
  • Time to Onset from First Dose
  • Time to Onset from Last Dose


  • Advanced Conditions
  • Case Delayed/Open
  • Case Followup Receipt Date
  • Case Initial Receipt Date
  • Case Report Type
  • Case Seriousness
  • Case Status
  • Event Listedness/Lic Country
  • Event Term
  • Family Name
  • Has Followup
  • Owned by Site
  • Product
  • Project/Study
  • Workflow Group

Oracle Argus Insight also lets you define custom filters by letting you select a set of elements (data mart fields) and saving the selection as your own filter.

To create a filter using queries:

  1. Select a predefined or custom filter.
  2. Specify values (multiple or range) in the desired filter elements associated with the filter.
  3. To generate a case series, execute this query (value set).

The set of values you specify in the elements associated with a filter is called a value set. For example, a particular filter may have this value set:

Filter Element Values Specified

Country of Incidence

United States and Germany

Product Name

CureAll Injection and CureAll Capsule

Coded Event Description

Injection site rash and aggravated nausea

Seriousness Criteria

Hospitalized and intervention required

Patient Age

25 to 65 years

Note that ranges can only be specified for fields that have numeric values.

Oracle Argus Insight lets you save value sets. Therefore, each filter can have multiple value sets. The advantage of saving value sets is that this enables you to execute a value set later without having to select a filter and then entering values in the associated elements.