Merge Case Series

Oracle Argus Insight lets you create a new case series by merging two case series through a set operator. The set operator you select works on the case numbers. The case numbers included in the merged case series depend on the type of set operator you use:

  • Union — Creates a new case series that contains all the cases in both case series; common case numbers are included, and are listed only once.
  • Intersect — Creates a new case series that contains only those case numbers that exist in both case series.
  • Minus — Creates a new case series that contains only those case numbers that are present in the first case series, but are not present in the second case series.

To generate a merged case series:

  1. Navigate to the CASE SERIES LIBRARY page.
  2. Click Merge.

    The CASE SERIES MERGE page appears.

    Case Series Merge screen
  3. From the Data Source drop-down list, select a data source (Insight Mart/Argus Mart).

    Based on the selected data source, the list of case series in both the columns Case Series #1 and Case Series #2 are updated.


    Argus Aggregate case series are available for merging only when Data Source from the drop-down list is selected as Oracle Argus Mart. Beside, merged aggregate case series will be reflected as Oracle Argus Mart.

  4. Select the two case series to merge:
    1. From the Case Series # 1 list, select the first case series.
    2. From the Case Series # 2 list, select the second case series.

    Note that the system populates the Description and Author fields for each selected case. You may modify the information if necessary.

  5. Select the Action (set operator) to merge the two selected case series.

    As described previously, you can select one of the following actions:

    • Union — Creates a new case series that contains all the cases in both case series; common case numbers are included, and are listed only once.
    • Intersect — Creates a new case series that contains only those case numbers that exist in both case series.
    • Minus — Creates a new case series that contains only those case numbers present in the first case series, but not present in the second case series.
  6. For Data Source as Oracle Argus Mart, from Merge Type drop-down list, select:
    • Current Data—To save single revision per case after UNION/INTERSECT/MINUS. Every time you open the saved case series, the latest data in case series is displayed.
    • Latest Revision—To save single revision per case after UNION/INTERSECT/MINUS. Saved Revision will be the highest revision of the case at the time of operation. Every time you open the saved case series, data as per saved revision is displayed.
    • All Revisions from Source—To save all the revisions after UNION/INTERSECT/MINUS. Every time you open saved case series, the data as per saved revision is displayed.

    To view Locked Date in the Case Series Editor page for the merged case series, select Show Locked Date.

  7. Click Merge.

    The ACTIVE CASE SERIES page appears with the resultant case series.