Modify the SQL of an Advanced Condition

  1. Navigate to the ADVANCED CONDITIONS LIBRARY page.
  2. Select the advanced condition.
  3. Click Modify.


  4. Click View SQL.

    The Advanced Conditions SQL dialog appears.

  5. Modify the SQL.
  6. Click Save SQL to save your changes.
  7. Click Close to return to the ADVANCED CONDITIONS LIBRARY page.
  8. Select the modified advanced condition.
  9. From the Query Type drop-down list, select:
    • Current Data—Executes the custom SQL based on the current data and returns the latest revisions of the cases.
    • As of Date—Executes the modified SQL based on the historical date.
    • At Lock—Executes the modified SQL based on one or more user lock actions.
    • Last Locked Revision as of a Point-in-Time—Executes the modified SQL to display the most recent locked revisions that were committed to the database on or before As of Date.
    • Last Locked Revision for a Version in a Period—Executes the modified SQL to display the most recent locked revision for case versions in a time period based on Case Receipt Date, Case Lock Date, or Case Creation Date.
    • Aggregate Queries—Executes the most recent locked revision for case versions for a specific time period.

    You cannot edit the date for an Advanced Condition with Custom SQL from the library.

    Once executed the query criteria displays the custom SQL as-is, and does not mentions the Query Type.


    The custom SQL should begin with:


  10. Click Execute.

    The search results appear based on your modified SQL.


    You cannot modify an advanced condition once you have added user defined SQL in that, you can modify SQL but cannot add new items in advanced condition.

    If you want to add new items, you have to revert the SQL to original by clicking Revert to Original.