The CASE SERIES LIBRARY page, lists all the case series saved to the system.

To open the CASE SERIES LIBRARY page, navigate to Case Series > Open Case Series > Library.

The CASE SERIES LIBRARY page displays the following information for each case series:

  • Name of the case series.
  • Brief description of the case series.
  • Date when the case series was last modified.
  • Name of the user who generated the case series.
  • Category assigned to the case series. Like, Compliance, General, Management, or Pharmacovigilance.
  • Source of the case series.
    • Argus Insight indicates the case series was generated using Oracle Argus Insight querying tools.
    • Argus Mart indicates the case series was generated using Oracle Argus Mart querying tools.


      To import Oracle Argus Insight or Oracle Argus Mart based case series, see "Import a Case Series from an External Source".

    • Argus Aggregate indicates the case series was imported into Oracle Argus Insight (forOracle Argus Mart data source only) from Oracle Argus Safety via ETL process. These case series belongs to Oracle Argus Safety periodic/aggregate reporting.

      Access permission for all the Aggregate Case Series are brought over from Oracle Argus Safety database to Oracle Argus Insight. You may access Aggregate Case Series, only when you have access to Oracle Argus Safety or Oracle Argus Insight, assigned from Oracle Argus Insight Group Permissions.

      For more information in Group Permissions, see Assign Group-Level Access Permissions.

      All Aggregate Case Series fetched from Oracle Argus Safety will have query criteria as Argus Aggregate Case Series.

      To view all these case series, select Include Aggregate Case Series check box. This check box is disabled if there are either no Aggregate Case Series in Oracle Argus Insight database or you do not have access to any of the Aggregate Case Series. This check box is not available when application is running on Insight Mart data source only.

  • Number of cases in the case series.

    In addition, the Cases column displays the following icons:

    • For Argus Insight Case Series—A snowflake icon snowflake icon image if the case series is frozen. Positioning the cursor over the icon displays the date and time the case series was frozen.
    • For Argus Mart Case Series—A snowflake icon snowflake icon image along with the case counts for all case series other that Current Data. Positioning the cursor over the icon displays the type of the case series.