Page Contents

The page contents of the report cover page includes the following information:

  • Title of the selected report.
  • Report subtitle. You configure the subtitle when you run the report. Subtitles are useful in further defining the contents of the report. Like, 01-JAN-2000 to 31-DEC-2012.
  • Filters defined for the selected report.
  • Start date and time (GMT) of the last successful ETL run.
  • Count of the total number of unique cases in the case series.
  • Name of the saved case series on which the report has been executed.
    • Reports that are run on frozen case series data include the following text next to the case series name on the report:

      The data in this report was frozen as of date_and_time.

      Time is the database system time with the GMT offset.

    • Reports that are run on normal case series data include the following text next to the case series name on the report:

      The case series was last modified on date_and_time.

  • Query criteria to get case series on which the report has been executed.