BMM Layer

For all the dimensions, logical hierarchies are created at this layer and WHERE clause is added.

See Add New Dimension Using Flex Bucketing, for an example of setting the WHERE clause.

In the Argus Insight RPD, two session variables are created:

  • AI_USER_LN — Validates the logged in user name.
  • AI_LANG_CODE — Contains the value en. Avoids hard coding of the value in the WHERE clause in the BMM layer at various places.

Figure 5-2 Variable Manager in RPD

Variable Manager in RPD screen

For example:

Figure 5-3 BMM layer—WHERE clause using AI_LANG_CODE

BMM layer—WHERE clause using AI_LANG_CODE


The following are the logical combination of fact tables that are created in the RPD:

  • Case Fact
  • Drug Fact
  • Event Fact
  • Event to Drug Fact
  • Case Event Fact
  • Case Drug Fact
  • Case Event to Drug Fact
  • Consolidated Fact

For example:

  • Case Fact in physical table is FACT_RM_RPT_AGG_CASE.
  • Case Event Fact is a combination of tables FACT_RM_RPT_AGG_CASE and FACT_RM_RPT_AGG_EVENT.

See Appendix: Dimensions and their Mapping, for details of RPD including dimensions, Fact tables and their joins.

The logical level should be set for each dimension (based on the access of each dimension) for all the logical Facts properly.

Figure 5-4 Logical Table Source

Logical Table Source screen

For Example:

The logical fact Case Event will have the dimensions that are applicable to Case and Event tables only.

The BMM layer should be a perfect star schema as shown below:

Figure 5-5 Business Model Diagram

Business Model Diagram


In the Argus Insight RPD, only one measure Case Count is derived from the Fact tables.

Figure 5-6 Case Count Measure Properties

Case Count Measure Properties screen