Generic Package

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher report has pkg_rep_generic as the generic package that will be used to create/modify all future Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher reports.

This package performs the following functions:

  • User Context is set, so that the user can view data only as per user data access rights.
  • Global table rep_case_detail_tmp is populated with cases after applying data security.
  • Log tables population logic is created within the generic package.

This package contains following procedures/functions:

Table 5-1 Generic Package - Procedures and Functions

S.No. Procedure/Function Name Parameter/ Argument Used Description



  • pi_enterprise_id: Enterprise ID
  • pi_user_name: Report User Name (the user who has logged in to BI Publisher)

This procedure is used to set user context (for multi-tenancy) and data security variables. Using the package pkg_rls.set_context, user context will be set, by passing enterprise ID, user name and application name to the package.



  • pi_querytype: Q - Query, A-Advance Condition, F - Filter, and C - Case Series
  • pi_id: CASESERIES_ID/QUERY_ID/AC_ID/Filter_ID to get data for cases

This procedure populates case series in global table rep_case_detail_tmp, used in BI Publisher reports.

For p_querytype = C, cases are inserted in global table rep_case_detail_tmp. from the table case_detail.

For p_querytype IN ('Q', 'F', 'A'), the global table rep_case_detail_tmp gets populated in the procedure p_caseseries_from_query.



  • pi_ora_err_desc: Oracle-defined error code and description
  • pi_table_name: Table/Module name
  • pi_description: User-defined descriptive error message

This procedure is used to log status of table population and SQL exceptions in table rep_execution_log.

Routine Call: PKG_REP_GENERIC.P_REP_EXECUTION_LOG (NULL, 'p_pop_case_tmp', 'Data population for table REP_CASE_TMP started.');

Before populating the table rep_case_tmp, this procedure logs a message that 'data population for table <rep_case_tmp> started'. After successful completion of the process, it logs a message that 'data population for table <rep_case_tmp> completed'.

Besides, in each population routine section in the SQL exceptions; this procedure is called to log SQL error messages.

See Also:

Populate Data for Generic Line Listing Report



  • pi_module_name: identifier to various calling modules
  • pi_sql_text: Dynamic SQL created

This procedure logs dynamic SQL queries created in the generic package. The following SQL statements are logged in this package:

  1. Insert statements in the table rep_case_detail_tmp.
  2. Update study_unblind_ok, code_broken statement in the table rep_case_detail_tmp.
  3. Insert statements in the report log tables.

For example: pkg_rep_generic.p_rep_sql_log (pi_module_name, lvc_sql); --lvc_sql

Once report is executed, you can copy the query from column sql_text of the table rep_sql_log where all queries exist. Execute the desired query in the database.

Example Routine Call:

pkg_rep_generic.p_rep_sql_log ('p_caseseries_from_query', lclb_sql);


lclb_sql := 'INSERT INTO rep_case_detail_tmp (case_id) ' || lclb_rpt_sql;

Besides, lclb_rpt_sql > sql_for_report column value from the table cfg_adv_cond.



  • pi_module_name: Calling module name
  • pi_src_table: Source table name
  • pi_tgt_table: Target table name

This procedure maintains session data in the report log tables. It is called in the report specific package pkg_rep_linelisting.

For example: PKG_REP_GENERIC.P_KEEP_REPORT_DATA ('p_pop_case_tmp', 'REP_CASE_TMP', 'REP_CASE_LOG');

In the above example, if the profile switch KEEP_REPORT_DATA value is yes, then the table rep_case_log will be populated with the session data rep_case_tmp.

See Also:

Log Audit Tables, explained later in this chapter



  • pi_src_table: Source table name
  • pi_tgt_table: Target table name
  • pi_append_flag: Append hint

This internal function generates dynamic SQL to insert data from the report GTT into the report log tables. It also returns the generated SQL.

Example Routine Call:

pkg_rep_generic.f_get_insert_sql (pi_src_table, pi_tgt_table

The data from source table is inserted into the target table.



  • pi_ac_id: Query ID to get SQLs for case detail and blinded security
  • pi_querytype: Q - Query, and F - Filter

This procedure inserts cases into the table rep_case_detail_tmp, when the Query/Case parameter is passed a value as Q/F:

  • For Query type - Q, the SQL query is fetched from the table cfg_adv_cond.
  • For Query type - F, the SQL query is fetched from the table filter_valuesets.

This procedure is called in the procedure p_pop_case_detail to populate cases for Query or Filters.



  • xdo_user_name: Report User Name (the user who has logged in the BI Publisher)
  • pi_enterprise_id: Enterprise ID
  • pi_querytype: C - Case Series, Q - QBE, A - Advanced Condition, or F- Filter

This function populates the Case Series/Query/Advanced Condition/Filter Name as per the user access rights.

The parameter pi_id for Case/Query Name prompt, populates with the Case/Query/AC/Filter names based on the selected Enterprise ID.

And parameter pi_querytype for Case Series/Query prompt, populates as per the logged-in user.

Context Setting

The context settings for multi tenancy are described in this section.

The procedure p_set_user_context, sets enterprise, user name (username), and application name (app_name) context for Oracle Virtual Private Database policy (VPD).

See Also:

Oracle Technical Reference documents for more information on Oracle VPD.

Case Series Data Population

The cases in the table rep_case_detail_tmp are populated as follows:

  • For Case Series/Query Type - C: Cases from the table case_detail are populated.
  • For Case Series/Query Type - Q or A: Execute the SQL command on the column sql_for_report from the table cfg_adv_cond.
  • For Case Series/Query Type - F: Execute the SQL command on the column sql_for_report from the table cfg_adv_cond and also join another table filter_valuesets.