E2B Follow-up Acceptance for Closed/Locked Cases

  • If you try to accept follow-up information for a closed or locked case, the system prompts you to unarchive or unlock the case for processing after entering the password and acceptance notes.
  • If the system archives a case while you are accepting the report, the system displays the Case Re-open dialog to enable you to open the case.
  • If the system locks a case while you are accepting a report, the system displays the Case Unlock dialog to enable you to unlock the case.
  • After the you reopen the case, the system accepts all updates as defined in the follow-up information you selected.
  • If the you do not have permission to reopen an archived or locked case, the system displays the following message:

    You do not have permission to Re-open an Archived/Closed case or Locked Case.

  • If you select multiple open, locked, or archived cases or if you do not have permission to open the case, the system skips the cases.
  • The system does not create follow-up actions for cases that it accepts automatically.