New Child Element

To add a new child element and add its mapping logic:
  1. Copy the standard OOTB profile and create a copy of the profile from Console > System Configuration > Interchange Mapping > Manage Profile.
  2. From CFG_E2B, add an element in the table to transmit it in the HL7 report.
    For example:

    A <custom_sibling> DTD element in the newly created EMA profile - ICH-ICSR V3.0MESSAGE TEMPLATE - EMA CUSTOM. The Custom_Sibling field is mapped to UD fieldUD_TEXT_1 in table CASE_PAT_INFO.

    Case form field configuration
  3. To add the element in the CFG_E2B table, use a query that resembles the following script sample.


    The script is only for reference purpose and has not been validated against the system.
    Script sample
  4. Open the Console > System Configuration > Interchange Mapping > Manage Profile screen.
    The newly added custom DTD appears in the left side pane.Manage profile screen
  5. Click the parent node of the CUSTOM_SIBLING DTD element.
  6. In the Transmit tab on the right side of the screen, add a new transmit logic for the newly added field.
  7. Add the SQL for the transmit logic.
  8. Add the SQL for the transmit logic.
  9. Click the Receive tab and add a new custom logic for the import.
  10. Save the profile.
  11. Create a reporting destination for this newly added message profile.
    Report destination
  12. Log in to the web server and open the XSLT templates for the profile that you want to customize.
    1. Back up the existing templates.
    2. Modify the templates based on the element added in the respective parent node.
    3. Navigate to the desired XSLT template and modify the XSLT as per the HL7 representation provided.
      For Null Flavor support, refer to the other sections of this document.
    4. If the new templates address a specific requirement, specify the mode so that the templates are uniquely identified across the reports.
    5. If any new variable is specific to a report, verify that the respective variable is uniquely named.
    6. Replace the modified XSLTs in all the servers (Web Server, AG Server & Interchange Server).
    For example, to modify the EMA XSLT template if changes have been made only in the patient node, update the following templates:


    The following script is only for reference purpose and has not been validated against the system.
    Script referenceScript referenceScript reference
  13. Open the cfg_imp_staging_xml file and update the INSERT_SQL for the newly added field in the custom profile that you previously created.


    The following script is only for reference purpose and has not been validated against the system.

    For example, for the newly added field in patient table_name and ICH-ICSR V3.0 MESSAGETEMPLATE - EMA CUSTOM profile, update the INSERT_SQL to:

    Script reference
  14. Create a new case and schedule a report for the newly created agency.
  15. From the Bulk Reporting screen, transmit the report.
  16. Import the report on the receiver side.