Restart the Incremental ETL

Restarting the Incremental ETL process enables you to start the ETL process from the last execution step where it was stopped or failed.

  1. Select the Load Plan, which you want to restart, in the Load Plan Executions folder of the Sessions/Load Plan Executions section and click Restart.
    Restart ETL icon
  2. In the Restart Load Plan Execution dialog box, from the Physical Agent drop-down list., select OracleDIAgent.
  3. Select the required log level from the Log Level drop-down list.
  4. Click Restart. This displays the Information dialog box with the Load Plan restarted message.
  5. Click OK.

    This adds another Load Plan, with the same name as that of the stopped ETL, in the Load Plan Executions folder of the Sessions/Load Plan Executions section. However, this instance of the Load plan is in Green color, which signifies that the ETL is in progress.