Create Oracle Argus Mart Read-only User

You can create a read-only schema in Oracle Argus Mart. This schema will have read-only (SELECT) access on all the tables and views of the AM_MART schema. Besides, this read-only schema can also be used for customized reporting purpose.

  1. Open DBInstaller\Utilities\Create_Mart_Ro_User file.
    • For Windows—execute the batch script am_ro_user.bat
    • For Linux—execute the shell script am_ro_user
  2. When prompted, enter the following parameters:
    • Enter TNSNAME Entry to connect to the ARGUS MART Database: <ARGUS MART Database name>
    • Enter the name of Custom DBA user in Mart Database: <Argus Mart Install user>
    • Enter password for install user in Mart Database: <Install user password>
    • Enter Read Only user to be created in Mart Database: <Read-only user to be created in Mart>
    • Enter password for Read Only user of Mart Database: <Mart Read-only user password>
  3. When the process is complete, press Exit.
  4. Verify the log files for status information from:
