Before Installing the Oracle Argus Mart Application

  • Verify that the Oracle Argus Mart database instance has been created and is running. In addition, verify that the database has been created using the character set of your Oracle Argus Safety database.
  • You must install the required software components, as mentioned in the following table:

    Table 1-1 Oracle Argus Mart Software Requirements

    Specification Oracle Data Integrator Server Database DBInstaller Client

    Operating System

    As certified by the ODI

    As certified by the ODI

    (Supports bothCDB-PDB/Non CDB)

    Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)

    Microsoft Windows Server 2016

    Windows 2019 (64-bit)

    Windows 2016

    Oracle Database


    Oracle RAC

    Exadata 19c (19.3+)



    Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)





    Oracle Client Patch required for the DBInstaller:

    1. Download the patch 21821214: WINDOWS DB BUNDLE PATCH from the Oracle Support.
    2. Install the patch, and apply the following workaround:
      1. Set the oracle_home as your client home location.

        For example:

        SET ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\client32\product\12.1.0\client_1

        1. On the client machine, go to %oracle_home%\bin\
        2. From \p21821214_121020_WINNT\21821214\files\bin\, copy the file oranfsodm12.dll, and paste it under %oracle_home%\bin
      2. Run sqlldr help=y or sqlldr.exe.
  • Make sure that you have installed the following software on the machine where Oracle Argus Mart is being installed:
    • Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 Framework
    • Oracle Client 19c (19.3+) (Administrator Installation type)

      Only one version of Oracle Client should be installed on the server. Oracle Argus Mart Installer will not work in case there are multiple versions of Oracle Client are installed on the same machine.