Expedited Reports on DLP

In addition to supporting revisions supported by local data entry and local locks, DLP has been enhanced to address existing gaps faced by customers while generating Expedited Reports in DLP.

A version in DLP is defined as case data that corresponds to an aware date when a significant data was received (initial receipt date or significant follow up dates).

A revision is defined as committed case data changes that spans from one version to the other and that always corresponds to a locked version.

When DLP is enabled for Expedited Report Generation:

  • Global Expedited Reports are generated based on the latest DLP case revision that corresponds to the aware date on which the report was scheduled. Global reports has been generated even if the case is in unlocked state if a case version exists for that aware date on which the report was scheduled. This is applicable to both Draft and Final reports.
  • If a lock does not exist for the Aware Date on which the report was scheduled, the application picks up the next immediate DLP case revision for a later Aware Date for which a lock exists.
  • If no lock exists for any later aware date, see below.

    Note that this is an outlier condition and the customer is expected to lock the revisions for which reporting obligation exists.

    If no lock exists at all for any case revision, the report will not be generated, until the case is locked. Similarly, the Case Form will not display the Final report hyperlink or the Regenerate Report menu.

    Further, the Batch Report Generation AG Service will not process the case. However, if the report is run as Draft, the report generates the draft, based on the latest case revision, even if no lock exists for any case revision.

    Till this release, if more than one aware date existed in between case locks (global), the reporting scheduling algorithm determined the due date of the report based on the latest aware date, instead of the earlier aware dates in the same case processing cycle.

    This has now been corrected so that the report scheduling algorithm determines the due date of a report against the earliest aware date (i.e., significant follow-up) in the case for the current case lock cycle.

    Note that in this scenario, the reported data is based on the case revision corresponding to the later aware date. Also note that this scenario occurs mostly when the "Case Form Configuration | Auto Regulatory Scheduling" option is set to "Significant" or "Manual".

  • Local Expedited Reports are generated based on the latest DLP local case revision corresponding to which a local lock exists for Japan country for the Japanese aware date on which the report was scheduled (irrespective of current local lock state). This is applicable to both Draft and Final reports.
  • Note that the Japanese aware date is the J initial received or J significant follow-up dates if the USE_JPN_AWARE_DATE is enabled for the Reporting Destination. If the switch is not enabled, it is the global aware date. This is existing functionality.
  • If a local lock does not exist for the aware date on which the report was scheduled, the system shall pick up the next immediate DLP local case revision for a later aware date for which a local lock does exists. If no local lock exists at all for any case revision, the local report shall not be generated. However, if the report was run as Draft, the report shall generate the draft based on the latest case revision even if no lock exists for any case revision, or for any case revision for an aware date later to the aware date for which the report was scheduled.
  • J Expedited Reports always considers the J initial received and J significant follow-up dates as J aware date for determining due dates if the USE_JPN_AWARE_DATE is enabled for the Reporting Destination as with the existing functionality. If there is no Japan aware date or if the USE_JPN_AWARE_DATE is not set, the system defaults to the global aware date. This is applicable during follow-ups as well i.e., when there is no corresponding J follow-up date for a follow-up, the system takes the default global follow-up date.