Configuring Log Folders

The various modules of Oracle Argus SafetyWeb log information to Log files in the configured folders. The configuration for logging can be found in the <logConfig> section in the following files:







Argus Safety\Agproc.config (on the AG Service Box)

By default, the log level is set as 'Error':

<add userid="--All--" Enterprise="--All--" logLevel="Error" />

This means that the application logs only errors encountered by it on the web server. The log level can be configured to any of the following values:






If a higher level log needs to be configured for a specific user or a specific Enterprise, an additional line can be added in the <LoggerConfigs> section as shown below:

<add userid="thomas" Enterprise="ESN1" logLevel="Verbose" />

The above example enables verbose logging for the user "thomas" who belongs to the Enterprise with the EnterpriseShortName "ESN1".

The folder where the log files are generated can be found in the following configuration in the same .config file:

<appender name="RollingLogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> <param name="File" value="C:\Temp\ArgusLogs\ArgusNet\RelsysWindowsService.log" />

Different modules of the application should have different log file names (or paths). By default, the logs are configured to be generated under C:\Temp\ArgusLogs or a subfolder under it.

This folder needs to have Read/Write/Modify permissions to the Domain user with which the Oracle Argus Safety Website has been configured to run as.