ETL—Signal Mart (SM) case revision based on granularity configuration (Enhancement 31217258)

Oracle Argus Mart ETL created SM revisions for all the locked case revisions in Oracle Argus Safety processed by the ETL. However, not all locked case revisions were relevant for analysis. This caused overhead and ETL took prolonged time to complete. In addition, the granularity or the level of required locked case revisions varied across customers.

Oracle Argus Mart is enhanced to provide a configuration that allows you to decide the level of granularity on locked case revisions required for analysis.

You can now configure the following granularity levels:

  • A parameter or key is made available in the Oracle Argus Safety CMN_PROFILE_GLOBAL table to set the granularity level.
  • These configuration changes do not impact behavior of the Reporting Mart (RM) table population.
  • To specify the granularity of processing SM revisions, a new SM_REVISIONS_GRANULARITY common profile switch configurable from Oracle Argus Safety has been added:
Granularity Level Description
ALL (Default) Process all revisions in the ETL range.
ETL Process latest revision of each case in the ETL range.
DAILY (Recommended) Process earliest revision and day-wise latest revision of each case in the ETL range.