Data shared across enterprises

Following is the list of items that are common for all enterprises.

  • MedDRA and WHO Web Services
  • Common Profile Switches > Security > LDAP > Enable/disable LDAP
  • Common Profile Switches > Security > LDAP > LDAP Server Configuration
  • Common Profile Switches > Security > Enable/disable SSO
  • Common Profile Switches > Security > SSO Header Configuration
  • Common Profile Switches > Case Processing > Auto Archiving > Execution Period (in Days)
  • Default Enterprise

The common profile switches (related to SSO, LDAP, Auto Archiving job & frequency and Temporary Case Data Storage) which are common for all enterprises will only be displayed, updated and audit logged in DEFAULT enterprise. This is because any update to global level profile switches impacts all enterprises and is controlled. Also, such an update will also require propagation of the audit log to all other enterprises where the current user may not even exist or may not have proper access.