Message Profile: Message profile to be selected as EC-MIR MESSAGE TEMPLATE (standard profile for MIR)

  • Based on the Message Profile Selected EC-MIR MESSAGE TEMPLATE, the acknowledgment profile field is set to blank and disabled.
  • When MIR Profile is selected, the encoding format is defaulted to UTF -8, and the field is disabled.
  • When MIR profile is selected, the Preferred Method parameter in the Agency Information tab is defaulted to email and disabled. This ensures that the MIR Reports (both XML and PDF) are sent over an email only.
  • System will display a warning message Email is the preferred method for MIR Profile if value in the Agency Information/Preferred method is Fax and EDI/Message profile is MIR Profile (OOTB or Custom MIR); also if you override the message and update the Preferred method to Fax, system will show up the same warning message and update the Preferred method to Email.
  • Based on the Preferred Method, the Email ID field of the Reporting destination must be updated.
Email ID field