Enhanced Japan PSR-NUPR report Remark column data


Japan PSR-NUPR form Remark column updates (Enhancement 33249454)


Improved print options have been added for the Remark column data from the Japan PSR-NUPR report.

A new common profile switch is added in the Argus Japan > Reporting screen with the following options:

  • Print Trade Name, Formulation, Strength, Drug code as available (set by default)
  • Print Trade Name unknown when Formulation or Strength not available

If the Print Trade Name, Formulation, Strength, Drug code as available option is set:

  • The existing printing logic is retained as it is.
  • When the Strength field is not configured, then the 含量不明 text is printed.
  • When the Formulation is unknown, then the 剤型不明 text is printed.
  • When both Strength and Formulation are not available, then the 剤型、含量不明 text is printed.
  • The Trade Name and Drug code are printed as well.

If the Print Trade Name unknown when Formulation or Strength not available option is set:

  • The printing logic is updated.
  • When the Strength field is not configured or when the Formulation is unknown or when both Strength and Formulation are not available, the 販売名不明 text is printed along with the Drug code.
  • When the Trade name is configured with the Formulation or Strength within the Trade name, then the Formulation or Strength are not repeated while printing.

For more information, refer to the Japanese PSR mapping document.