MFDS E2B(R3) profile enhancement


MFDS E2B R3 Updates - XML reference and business rules (Enhancement 32685684)


The MFDS E2B(R3) profile is enhanced to include the following updates:
  • The business rules published on March 9, 2021; March 16, 2021; April 6, 2021; May 27, 2021
  • The XML file reference on February 8, 2021; May 27, 2021
  • The xPath reference on May 27, 2021

For updates in mappings and validations for MFDS E2B(R3), refer to the ArgusInterchange8231_E2B (R3) Export Mappings.xlsx eTRM document.

For updates on best practices, refer to the South Korea MFDS E2B(R3) Best Practices document.