Trailer Section

The following information is displayed in the trailer section of PBRER:

Table 5-1 Trailer Section Information

FIeld Name or Parameter Description

Total Cases-(Main case series)

Count of cases that are part of the main case series.

Total Valid Cases-(Main case series)

Count of cases that are part of the main case series and also fall into the reporting interval. If there are no valid cases, 0 is printed in the count.

Total Invalid Cases -(Main case series)

Report prints the count of cases which are part of the main case series but do not fall into the reporting interval. If there are no invalid cases, 0 is printed in the count.

Warning Messages

All warning messages related to case series and report output. This section prints the exact warning generated during report execution. If there is no warning, the system prints No Warning Messages.

Error Messages

All error messages related to case series and report output. This section prints the exact error message generated during report execution. If there is no error, the system prints No Error Messages.

The following format is used for displaying the information: