Add a Partner to the Axway B2Bi Community

  1. From the browser, go to http://<Sender AxwayB2BiServer>:6080/ui/.
  2. In the Axway B2Bi Login screen, enter the Axway B2Bi User ID and Password, and click Login.
  3. In the Getting Started screen, hover over the Trading Configuration icon and select Recent Communities > <community> from the menu.
  4. In the Summary screen, click the Add a Partner to this community link.
  5. In the Choose the source screen, select the Import the profile information from a file option and click Next.
  6. In the Enter profile path screen, click Browse to navigate to the saved file, enter the same password used at the time of exporting this community as a partner profile, and click Finish.
  7. In the Successful profile import screen, click Close.


    If you receive a summary where the Routing ID is not displayed, you must add the sender's Routing ID manually, as listed from Steps 9 - 12.

  8. In the Summary screen:
    1. Click the Partners menu item and select the newly imported partner.
    2. Click the Routing IDs icon.
  9. In the Routing IDs screen:
    1. Click Add.
    2. Type the partner (sender) routing ID in the Routing ID field.
    3. Verify that the partner does not have a routing ID.

      The new routing ID is added to the page.

    4. Hover over the Trading Configuration icon.
    5. Select Recent Communities > <community> from the menu.
  10. In the Summary screen, select the sender partner.
  11. In the Summary: Sender screen, click the Default delivery exchange link.
  12. In the Change this delivery exchange screen, click the HTTP Settings tab, and verify that the URL is correct and that the correct routing ID for the send is appended to the end of the URL.