All Enterprise Migration in One Execution

When you have multiple enterprises in the Oracle Argus Safety multi-tenant environment:

  • To migrate encoded terms of case data for one enterprise only, enter only one enterprise_id such as 1 when prompted.
  • To migrate encoded terms of case data for all enterprises in one go, enter input as ALL when prompted.
  • To migrate encoded terms of case data for some enterprises (but not all), the number of executions of dms_migration.bat = Migration of encoded terms of case data for the number of enterprises.


This migration script does not check whether the Argus Centralized Coding module is enabled for any specific enterprise. You must verify that module is enabled and then migrate data for enterprises.

To populate terms to the Interface table, you must load MedDRA into the Argus schema.

The migration script populates already encoded terms from all cases to the Interface table. Any open cases in the application are processed during migration.

Execute the batch file dms_migration.bat and enter the following:

  1. Log folder name
  2. Log file name
  3. TNSNAMES of the Oracle Argus Safety database when the Interface schema was created
  4. Oracle Argus Safety schema owner name and password
  5. Based on whether you want to migrate coded terms for all cases, one enterprise or for multiple enterprises:

    i. Enter the enterprise_id of one enterprise to migrate data for that particular enterprise.

    ii. Enter ALL as Input to migrate data for all enterprises.

    iii. To migrate coded terms of cases for more than one enterprise, execute step (i) multiple times and provide different enterprise_ids.

  6. Application user name

    If no input is provided, admin is taken as user input.

  7. Check the log file to validate successful completion of the script.