Oracle Argus Safety Configuration Files

By default, the Oracle Argus Safety logs files are placed in the “C:\temp" folder (default temp directory of Oracle Argus Safety). You must make sure that the user under which the Oracle Argus Safety applications are running has access to this directory.

If you have a different “Temp" directory, change the temp directory path in the following files:

Background Processes (AG Server)

  1. Argus Install Path/Argus Safety/AGProc.config
  2. Argus Install Path/Argus Safety/Service.config
  3. Argus Install Path/Argus Safety/RelsysWindowsService.exe.config

Argus Web Server:

  1. Argus Install Path/ArgusWeb/ASP/Web.config
  2. Argus Install Path/ArgusWeb/Bin/Argussvr2.config
  3. Argus Install Path/ArgusWeb/ASP/Argus.Net/Web.config
  4. Argus Install Path/ArgusWeb/ASP/Argus.Net/Bin/RelsysWindowsService.exe.config
  5. Argus Install Path/ArgusWeb/ASP/ Argus.Net/Bin /Service.config
  6. Argus Install Path/ArgusWeb/ASP/Integrations/Web.config


    It is recommended that you use the local server path rather than the network share path.