
Lot Number Interface needs to be enabled using Argus Console. This can be done by opening Console from Argus Web and selecting System Configuration > System Management from the menu. Expand the Case Processing tree branch and select Lot Number Processing. Following configurations are supported.

  • Use Centralized Lot Number Validation

    Yes—Allows Lot Lookup in Case Form to query central product information system to get Lot Number Information.

    No—Lot Lookup in Case Form uses lot numbers defined in Product Configuration under Argus Console >Business Configuration.

  • Allow users to enter non-configured Lot Numbers

    Yes—Allows user to enter non-configured Lot Number

    No—Mandates user to only select Lot Number from Lot Lookup Dialog.

    This switch is applicable when the lot validation service fails or is unable to provide a match for the lot number.

  • Lot Number Web Service Configuration XML

    Lot Number Interface support endpoint, binding and transformation configuration of Web Service at an enterprise level. This allows customer to integrate an enterprise in Oracle Argus Safety with different central product information system.

    Configuration file must have the endpoint with the "name" attribute of "LotQuery" properly configured.

    At a minimum, the "address" attribute must be changed. Optionally, depending on the bindings employed, the "bindingConfiguration" attribute may also need to be changed. The BindingConfiguration section must have a valid binding for the configured "bindingConfiguration" attribute.

    The endpoint configuration might look something like this:

    <endpoint address="http://remotewebservice/LotValidate.svc" 
    binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WSHttpBinding_IRelsysService_
    Unsecure" contract="IRelsysService" name=" LotQuery"></endpoint>

    <add Transformer="LotQuery2" Assembly="RelsysInterfaceComponents" Type="Relsys.InterfaceComponents.XSLTTFactory" InterfaceType="Outbound" RequestType="Response" MessageType="RelsysMessage" Enabled="true" TransformID="LOT_NUMBER" Metadata="InputValidationXSD=/Integrations/XSD/v1.0/Lot_Response.xsd;" />

  • Lot Number Web Service XSLT

    XSLT file required for transforming the response XML. This is only required in case Central Product Information system is passing custom attributes which need to be save as part of Case data in dosage regimen user defined fields.


    Oracle Argus Safety provides sample config and XSLT files which can be accessed by clicking Create button in 'Lot Number Processing' configuration screen as discussed above.