
  • Argus Console

    Drug Dictionary integration must be enabled using Argus Console. This can be done by opening Console from Argus Web and selecting System Configuration > System Management from the menu. Expand the Case Processing tree branch and select Dictionary Browser. Select the radio button to use web services under the "Argus Safety WHO Drug Coding Method" section.

    An optional checkbox is also available to determine whether Oracle Argus Safety has to use the local WHODrug instance if the web service hosting the drug dictionary is not available, fails, or does not return a valid match.

  • Web.Config

    Web.config file on each web server under must have the endpoint with the "name" attribute of "WHODrug" properly configured. At a minimum, the "address" attribute must be changed. Optionally, depending on the bindings employed, the "bindingConfiguration" attribute may also need to be changed. The 'BindingConfiguration' section must have a valid binding for the configured "bindingConfiguration" attribute.

    Sample endpoint configuration with binding configuration:

    <endpoint address="http://remotewebservice/WHODrugLookup.svc" 
    binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WSHttpBinding_IRelsysService_
    Unsecure"  contract="IRelsysService" name="WHODrug"></endpoint>