
Literature Intake integration employs a file drop system. The drop folder should be on a shared path. The folder must be configured in Console under System Configuration > Common Profile Switches > Argus J.

The edit box provided for "Shared Path for Literature Intake" must be configured with the UNC file path of the shared folder. Oracle Argus Safety Windows Service provides the mechanism by which the files are processed. Since a network resource is being accessed, it is essential that the service run as a domain account and not as the Local System Account (which is the default).Argus Release Media

To change this, stop the Oracle Argus Safety Windows Service by opening the Services control panel and double-clicking the Oracle Argus Safety Windows Service and clicking the Stop button. Next click the Log On tab and select the radio button for "This account". Enter valid domain user credentials and click OK.

The service itself contains additional configuration information in the RelsysWindowsService.exe.config file located in the .\ArgusWeb\ASP\Argus.NET\Bin directory. This file references the Intake.config file to obtain configurations specific to Worklist Intake. Simply uncomment the two "add" nodes in the "RelsysConfigFilesSection" that reference theIntake.config file in their "filePath" attributes. Also verify that the DatabaseConfiguration section in this file has a valid database and user credentials with which to connect to the database and access Oracle Argus Safety data. In the same folder the Service.config file also requires some changes to specify information about the assemblies needed to process Worklist Intake messages.