Configure Argus.xml File

The Argus.xml file is generated during installation on the Oracle Argus Safety Web, but you can update this file after installation to add, update, or delete database entries. The file resides in the following directory:

<Argus Install Path>/ArgusWeb/ASP

The Argus.xml file contains the following type of xml tags:

XML Tag Description


Contains all databases supported by the Oracle Argus Safety Web application.

Each database is specified as a separate XML tag - <DBNAME> with <ARGUS_DB> as parent tag.

For example, for a database that is recognized as "Testing Database" in the Oracle Argus Safety Web Login screen and whose alias in the Oracle TNSNAMES.ORA file is "TESTDB", the entry will be <DBNAME id="TESTDB">Testing Database</DBNAME>.

If you update the Argus.xml file, you must restart the Internet Information Services (IIS) on the server for the changes to take effect.