Configure Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Users and Roles: Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Model

This section lists the names of the <Admin Users> and roles that you need to configure using the steps given in Manage Users and Roles: Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Standalone Installation with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Security and Manage Users and Roles: Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Standalone Installation with Oracle Fusion Middleware Security.

Table 21-1 Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Users: Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Model

User Description

Oracle Business Intelligence Admin User

An Admin user refers to the user who has Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher administrative rights. This user should belong to the BIAdministration functional role.

Data Modeler Users

An Oracle Argus Insight Data Model user refers to the user who should have access to both Data Models and Reports in the Argus Insight folder. This user should belong to AIDataModeler custom role.

There are Oracle Enterprise Manager specific Modeler users, who have access to Data Models and Reports in Enterprise specific folders and Argus Insight folder. These users should have Oracle Enterprise Manager specific Modeler roles assigned to them. This user should belong to Oracle Enterprise Manager specific Modeler roles.


An Oracle Argus Insight Role (AIRole) user refers to the user who should have access to Reports only, and should have Read-only access to the Data Model which is required to create the reports. This user should belong to AIRole.

There can be users who have access to reports of specific Enterprises. These users can Read/Write reports in Enterprise specific Report folder and Argus Insight Report folder. However, these users have Read-only access to the Data Models in the Enterprise specific Data Model and Oracle Argus Insight Data Model folder. This user should belong to Enterprise specific Report roles.

Global Admin Users

An AI Admin Role user should have full access to the Argus Insight folder (Read/Write/Delete).

An Enterprise specific Admin user should have full access to the Enterprise specific folders (Read/Write/Delete) and Argus Insight folder (Read/Write/Delete).

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