Create the Schema on Windows from the User Interface

  1. Run the dbinstallerUI.bat file to invoke the user interface. You must run the file as an administrator.

    The Database Installer dialog box appears.

    The Database Instsaller dialog box
  2. Enter the parameters and click Next Step.

    Argus Safety - Database Setup screen appears.

    The Argus Safety - Database Setup screen

  3. Enter the parameters, select the Application Type, and click Next.
    • Single Tenant—Select this option to allow the database to support only single tenant. The options to create multiple tenants in the safety system is disabled.
    • Multi-Tenant—Select this option to allow the database to support multiple tenants. Users are able to create multiple tenants using the Global Enterprise setup screens.
  4. Create new tablespaces or use the existing tablespaces.
    • Under Complete Path and Data File Name, enter the database server path (complete path including the filename) where the data file is placed.

      Instead of entering path for each tablespace, you can set up a common folder path. To do so, in the text box, enter the datafile folder path, and click Set Datafile Folder.

      The Argus Safety - Database Setup's
    • If the data file does not exist, the system creates a data file.
    • If the data file exists, to use the current data file, click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.


      When you have existing tablespaces, you may use them; you are not required to create new ones. The system will not regenerate the tablespaces.

    • Click Next.
  5. Verify the Setup Parameters and click Execute.

    When execution is complete, a message appears in the Execution Log on screen 3 - Liquibase Update Successful.

  6. To view the execution status or errors, open the schema creation log file with the latest timestamp from Argus Release Media\Database\Argus Safety\logs.