Edit the .config file for Outbound Interfaces

  1. Navigate to the root of the ArgusWeb directory.
  2. Open the web.config file in a text editor.

    By default, the bindings are provided for:

    • basic HTTP traffic
    • basic SSL communication
  3. Update the address attribute of the endpoint nodes to point to the correct web service address.
  4. To use encryption, set the bindingConfiguration attribute of the endpoint node as WSHttpBinding_IRelsysService_Secure.

    Additional binding configurations may also be created and used.

    Note that the binding configurations between the host and the client must be compatible for successful communication.

  5. To transmit the authentication information, add credentials in the ClientCredentials section of each endpoint node.
  6. To transform messages, use either a custom transformation assembly or an XSLT. Lot Number and WHO Drug coding interfaces leverages this feature.
    • Update the TransformerConfiguration section to map an endpoint to a transformer.
    • If multiple transformers are specified for a particular endpoint, they are executed in the order in which they appear in the configuration file.
    • The transformers configured by Oracle should not be modified, but additional transformers may be added if necessary.