Re-encrypt Common User Passwords

The Key Editor Options for Existing Installation screen can also be used to change the common user (ARGUS_LOGIN, ARGUS_LOGIN_I, and ARGUS_LOGIN_IPS) passwords.

  1. Launch the Cryptography Key Editor.
    The Key Editor Utility screen appears.
  2. Click Existing.
    The Key Editor Login or Re-encrypt ARGUSUSER screen appears.
  3. Enter the ARGUSUSER password.
  4. Enter the APR_USER password.
    This field appears only when you have installed Oracle Argus Insight along with Oracle Argus Safety.
  5. Enter the database name.
  6. Click Login.
    The Key Editor Options for Existing Installation screen appears.
  7. Enter the DBA User Name and User Password.
  8. Click Validate.
  9. Check the Re-encrypt checkbox.
  10. Enter the passwords for the common users.
  11. Click Execute.
    The Reason for this Action dialog box appears, prompting the user to add a reason for his action.
  12. The text entered here is visible in the Audit Log in the Oracle Argus Safety application.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Check the status box to verify if the operation has been successful.