Execute Argus_BIP_Enable

  1. From the command prompt, navigate to <Argus Release Media>\DBInstaller\Utilities\BIP_Enable.
  2. Execute the batch file Argus_BIP_Enable.bat.
  3. Enter the following parameters:
    1. TNSNAMES entry to connect to the Oracle Argus Safety database.

      For example, Oracle Argus Safety database SID.

    2. SYSTEM or DBA user name in SYSTEM or DBA user name in Argus database database.
    3. Password for SYSTEM or DBA user.
    4. Oracle Argus Safety schema owner name.

      For example: ARGUS_APP.

    5. Oracle Argus Safety schema password.
    6. Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Schema user.

      The Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Schema owner name created during the Oracle Argus Safety database installation. For example, BIP_OWNER.

    7. Password for the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Schema user.
    8. Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Repository Service name.

      This is the database SID of the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher metadata repository.

    9. Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Repository user name (Default DEV_BIPLATFORM).

      This is the BIPLATFORM user created in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher metadata repository.

    10. Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Repository password.
    11. Host name of the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Repository instance.
      For example, <hostname>.<domain name>.
    12. Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Repository instance listener port.

When the execution is complete, the database objects needed for enabling and integrating the Flexible Aggregate Reporting are created.


If you are using Oracle Argus Mart with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher enabled in Oracle Argus Safety, make sure that you re-create the Oracle Argus Safety RO user.