Import the BAR file to create a new Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Instance

  1. Copy the BAR file from <AI HOME>OBIEE\BAR File\ to a local folder on the machine where the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition is installed.
  2. When creating an instance in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12c, enter the BAR file path in the Path field of the OBIEE Initial Application wizard screen.
  3. When the installation is completed successfully, and all the processes are up, open the RPD in online mode, and change the Connection Pool Settings. (See Import the BAR file in an existing Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition instance > Step 2)
  4. Check-in the changes, and save the RPD.

    Ignore the warnings that appear during the consistency check

  5. From the Enterprise Manager > Stop and Start the BI processes.
  6. Create Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Groups and Users. (See Create Users and Groups in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition)
  7. Go to Catalog, and set the folder level permissions for the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Groups. (See Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Catalog Folder-level Permissions)
  8. To view and administer privileges for the Oracle Business Intelligence components, login to Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Analytics with Oracle WebLogic Server user credentials.

    Go to Administration > Security > Manage Privileges.

    For a list of privileges assigned to these roles, refer to Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Default Application Roles.

  9. Go to Administration > Maintenance and Troubleshooting, and click Reload Files and Metadata.
  10. To use the AI Aggregate Analysis Subject area and Dashboard, login with a valid user credentials.