Literature Intake Flow

When a WMDIS or JAPIC file is dropped in the IN folder of the configured Literature Intake folder, Oracle Argus Safety picks up the file and does an initial verification. The file is first moved to a GUID-created subfolder of the Intermediate folder. All the relevant data is extracted from the file and stored in the database. During the parsing and extraction, if there are any errors, the unique folder and the file in it are moved to Failures folder. A file called Error.xml will be generated in that folder which contains more information about the failure. If an e-mail address is configured in RelsysWindowsService.exe.config, an e-mail is also generated and processed via AGService. The Literature Intake Worklist shows all the records extracted from the above mentioned files.

The Oracle Argus Safety user can do one of the following operations on the Literature Intake record.

  • Accept
  • Reject
  • Assign User
  • Assign Literature Type
  • Modify Product Family