Prerequisites, Cautions, and Warnings

Before running the Initial ETL, make sure:

  • The Auto extend is set to ON for all the data files in the database that are related to staging and Oracle Argus Insight Mart.
  • The POPULATE CASE/CONFIGURATION DATA profile switch is configured to the desired value.

In addition, note that:

  • Since the initial ETL requires a huge amount of temporary space, set the temporary space to 100 GB to prevent data errors. After completing the Initial ETL, reduce the temporary space to 30 GB.
  • After the Initial ETL completes, the balancing log may show differences between the Oracle Argus Safety (Stage) and Oracle Argus Insight Mart table counts. This is because of the derivation rules applied to the Oracle Argus Insight data mart.
  • The system may display the following message:

    Warning !!! - Could not locate MedDRA-J User in the Argus Database.

    Ignore this warning for all MedDRA tables.

  • Do not run incremental ETL for more than 50,000 cases. Run the Initial ETL again if the number of cases exceeds 50,000.
  • The Oracle Argus Insight Insight ETL will not populate the Oracle Argus Mart database.

    Refer to the Oracle Argus Mart Installation and Administration Guide for more information on the Oracle Argus Mart ETL.