Prerequisites for Database Upgrade

  • Log in to ARGUS_APP schema.
  • Verify that the common profile switch DATABASE_TIMEZONE is not empty by executing the following script:
    select key, value from cmn_profile where key = 'DATABASE_TIMEZONE';


    This is applicable only if you are upgrading from Argus version 8.1.1 or above.
  • The Oracle Database Server version should be upgraded as per the technology stack (see Oracle Components).
  • Verify that JRE 1.8 or above is installed, and JCE policy is applied.
  • Verify that the Oracle TNSNAMES have been configured.
  • To avoid errors during upgrade, do either of the following:
    • Keep datafiles AUTOEXTEND ON, or
    • Monitor free space and add more space, if required
  • Create one large rollback segment or size 20 GB for LARGE size model.

    Keep all other rollback segments, except SYSTEM, offline.

  • The source Oracle Argus Safety database must be AL32UTF8 character set.
  • The database semantics must be CHAR and not BYTE.