Reset the ARGUSUSER Password

If the password for the database user ARGUSUSER has changed, you will need to reset the password in the ArgusSecureKey.ini file on all the servers.

  1. Launch the Cryptography Key Editor.
    The Key Editor Utility screen appears.
  2. Click Existing.
    The Key Editor Login or Re-encrypt ARGUSUSER screen appears.
  3. Enter the ARGUSUSER password.
  4. Enter the APR_USER password.
    This field appears only when you have installed Oracle Argus Insight along with Oracle Argus Safety.
  5. Enter the database name.
  6. Click Re-encrypt.
    A confirmation dialog appears.
  7. Click Yes.
  8. Copy the updated ArgusSecureKey.ini file from the .\Windows folder to all the .\Windows folder of all the application servers.
  9. Verify that you can Log in to the Oracle Argus Safety application.